Thursday, March 31, 2011

What I know for sure....

Mama’s Losin’ It
As part of the Writing Prompt I would like to write about the things I know for sure...(1) I know that my husband will always report that he is still using whatever he took from the cabinet that he left open, and therefore it would be inefficient to close the cabinet. He is getting back to it, soon. Well, probably this week. (2) The men that live at my house (my husband and son) have selective sight. They can spot a hawk in flight nearly a football field length away in the sky and trip over their own shoes left out. They have no idea when the ketchup splashed on the floor or who opened the chips and left them on the counter. (3) My biggest fear about leaving said men alone in my home is not whether or not they will eat or wear clean clothes. My biggest fear is whether or not they will be able to put out whatever fires they start. If my sons pants will reach clear to his ankles and if my husband can find clothes to wear that remotely match. (4) And what I know for absolute sure is I will miss them and count the days until I can get back to put out their fires, match their clothes, shut their cabinets and buy them new pants.


Anonymous said...

Aw! Those are wonderful memories that you'll always hold dear! Glad that you know them for sure!

Unknown said...

Crazy boys! I only have the hubby to deal with and a bunch of girls....I don't think I could handle a son too!