Friday, November 19, 2010

The following comments are NO reflection on your pictures...Carolyn

With my disclaimer in place...(the following "rant" has nothing to do with the pictures posted). My husband turned 50 this year. He's so pleased that I announced it here. (By the way, I am MUCH younger than he is) In any case, nearing a half decade makes you pause and consider all the things you have done in your life and all the things still to do. You may consider taking the opportunity to make a list of things that you would like to accomplish BEFORE you kick the "bucket". However, in my usual fashion I would rather consider my "un-Bucket List". These are things that I will gladly forgo before the end of my life. 1) Giving up chocolate. 2) Running a marathon, seriously. THe only reason to run is if you are being chased. And then you should only run if you don't want to be caught, otherwise walking is sufficient. 3) Run for political office. Who needs the scrutiny? I'm too honest. I will tell you where the bodies are buried and who is in my closet. 4) Hike Mt. Everest. I have similiar feelings about hiking as I do about running. 5) Be called grandma. I do have grandchildren, but at their birth I offered their parents 2 options. I would consider grandma only if it was preceded by "sexy" otherwise they could call me "duchess". Duchess stuck, I wonder, does that mean I'm not sexy? In any case, don't be shy. Tell me what is on your "un-bucket list".

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